
Governor's Workforce Board of RI

Governor's Workforce Board of RI

In May 2007, the Rhode Island Hospitality Association Education Foundation was awarded with the Governor's Workforce Investment Board's Industry Partnership Grant. This grant was created to promote a partnership composed of employers, government agencies, associations and workforce agencies providing service, employment, training and education, and career development in the hospitality industry. Currently, the hospitality industry faces many challenges, including attracting and retaining entry-level staff, the development of supervisory staff, English proficiency, and the inability to access education for career advancement. This partnership seeks to provide entry-level employees with the opportunity to build their skills, access certification programs, increase their educational level for career advancement. Overall the partnership plans to find ways to increase retention and promotion in the workforce for the benefit of the industry.

Industry Partnership Grant Components Include:

  1. Partnership Development
  2. Skills Gap Analysis
  3. Collaboration with State and Local Workforce Agencies
  4. Service Development
  5. Special Projects:
    1. Human Resource Council
    2. Hospitality and Tourism Leadership Summit
    3. GenerationWhy? Seminar
    4. Junior Achievement’s Groundhog Job Shadow Day

U.S. Small Business Administration

U.S. Small Business Administration

The U.S. Small Business Administration, established in 1953, provides financial, technical and management assistance to help Americans start, run, and grow their businesses. With a portfolio of business loans, loan guarantees and disaster loans worth more than $45 billion, in addition to a venture capital portfolio of $13 billion, SBA is the nation's largest single financial backer of small businesses. Last year, the SBA offered management and technical assistance to more than one million small business owners. The SBA also plays a major role in the government's disaster relief efforts by making low-interest recovery loans to both homeowners and businesses. The Rhode Island headquarters is located at 380 Westminster Street, Providence, RI 02903.